Monday 8 August 2016

Two headed monster

I decided to explore the two headed monster from earlier a bit more and created a full bodied image of it. I'm quite happy with how it turned out. 

cartoon evil

Another drawing based on Skottie Young's style. This time I've done a bunch of evil characters, including a devil, an evil cat creature, and a two headed beast.  

a different kind of Gingerbread man

One idea I've had for a while is a superhero Gingerbread Man. Originally I was going to add him to my superhero universe, to explore some more sillier content in that area. However, I'm between ideas for him at the moment. At the moment he's just a magically animated Gingerbread Man, and is about the size of one as well. I'm trying to be careful, as I don't want him to resemble Gingy from the Shrek movies, so I may need to alter the design a bit. 

cartoon drawings

Last week I had a look at the first volume of 'I hate Fairyland' a comic-book series by Skottie Young. The series is about a little girl named Gertrude who ends up in a fairytale kingdom, with the only way out being a magic key. She then spends 27 years in the place, becoming a violent psychopath. What I love about this series is how colorful and cartoony the art style is, and it is really funny as well, poking fun at and twisting countless fairytale tropes. I would recommend it, but it is very VERY brutal, so a little warning.  

I decided to try and do some cartoony drawings based on Skottie young's style 

Wednesday 3 August 2016

Superheroes. on a day off.

Something a little different, yet something I tend to do a lot. I like to do sketches of characters interacting with each other, which is a good way of conveying different personalities and character types. 

Remember Myster from my earlier post? Well here he is again. Except in a human disguise spell. Shortly after joining the supergroup, two other members of my own design, Omegaman and Starchaser decide to take him on a trip around town. The shot below is of the three of them in an occult bookstore (not very obvious, sorry). The woman behind the counter is Leah Carlyse (who later becomes Mal's love interest on Earth). This is their first meeting. 

This is a group shot of the three. Omegaman (Robert Onaro), Starchaser (Lizbeth Mitchells) and Myster (Malcowyn Altarr) 

Tuesday 2 August 2016

Zez-Kai-Ell in exile. And in color!!!

This is a colored version of the Zez-Kai-Ell drawing I did. I did this on photoshop, and I'm quite happy with how this one turned out. 

Thursday 28 July 2016

Superhero designs: Myster

One of my older ideas that I've messed around with. This guy is a member of a superhero team I came up with a few years ago. Real name Malcowyn Altarr (earth name Malcolm Alton), Myster comes from another dimension populated by elf-like sorcerers.   

This is also one of the first drawings I've properly done on Photoshop, I really feel like I need to get some practice into using the software. 

Wednesday 20 July 2016

Pyk the pirate

This is Pyk, a character from the fantasy world I've been creating. 

Pyk is a member of an aquatic race known as the Shalkir. For the last few years however, he has been exiled from the undersea clans for a reason he won't disclose to anyone. Since then he has been living life as a mercenary rogue on the land, starting brawls and getting into more trouble than he should, all with a smile and a laugh.    


This is a Centaur drawing I did in pencil.

This particular Centaur is from the same fantasy world I've added the Dryad to. In this world, the Centaurs are a race of fierce hunters who take trouble from no-one and suffer no trespasser in their grassy homeland of Glenmane. However, they are on good terms with the Elves (yes I've added Elves), and some tribes (such as the one this one's from) even worship the same goddess. The ones who don't are not ones you want to meet, or fight.       

Seafront sketch

Decided to do something a bit different.The weather in Southsea has been fantastic lately so I spent some time on the seafront, and decided to do this. To be fair, it's not the most accurate thing I've ever done, but I needed the practice.     

Friday 15 July 2016

Parasite eye zombie

Recently I finally got a chance to play the last of us, which is such a fantastic game. Afterwards I came up with this.... thing. Not quite the fungal infection from TLOU, but more of a demonic eye curse perhaps. With zombies I tend to be random in design, but the wierder the better.  

Jedi master

Another Jedi master, this time a random one of my design. 

Zez-kai-ell in exile

This is a drawing I did based on a character from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords (one of the greatest Star Wars games ever made in my opinion). Jedi master Zez-Kai-Ell was one of the 5 missing Jedi masters your character has to find. He went into exile on the Hutt controlled city-world of Nar Shaddaa. While he doesn't quite look like this in the game, I reimagined him a bit so he looked more like a hermit.  

Superhero designs: Slyce

This is a more random one I did whilst at a friends gathering. A lot of anime was mentioned and then I watched the japanese opening for the x-men cartoon (that opening was awesome). So whilst listening to it I churned out this crazy swordsman. The name was kind of diffucult for me, but I eventually went with Slyce. 


These are two dragons I drew up. While I do love drawing these beasts, I've always found the heads less of a pain to draw than the full body. 

This is more of a sand dragon than an actual dragon, but still, it has the face and attitude of one, so it counts I suppose. 

Superhero designs: Poltergeist

This is another hero design. I've called him Poltergeist. He possesses telekinesis and invisibility. But he can use his telekinesis while invisible, hence the name. 

Dryad creature

This was a random forest creature drawing i did the other night. Though I am now going to work it into a fantasy world I've been working on. 

Superhero designs: Toybox

For the last few years I've been creating a lot of superhero character designs of my own. This is one I came up with a few weeks ago 

Meet Toybox, a fighting toy robot, armed with rocket hands, a jetpack, and chest missiles.