Wednesday 3 August 2016

Superheroes. on a day off.

Something a little different, yet something I tend to do a lot. I like to do sketches of characters interacting with each other, which is a good way of conveying different personalities and character types. 

Remember Myster from my earlier post? Well here he is again. Except in a human disguise spell. Shortly after joining the supergroup, two other members of my own design, Omegaman and Starchaser decide to take him on a trip around town. The shot below is of the three of them in an occult bookstore (not very obvious, sorry). The woman behind the counter is Leah Carlyse (who later becomes Mal's love interest on Earth). This is their first meeting. 

This is a group shot of the three. Omegaman (Robert Onaro), Starchaser (Lizbeth Mitchells) and Myster (Malcowyn Altarr) 

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